The Setting

On Friday, February 21, 2025, Governor Aurora Lynwood will host her annual Mardi Gras Masquerade Dinner at her elegant, modern mansion, perched on the eastern edge of New Orleans' iconic French Quarter. This year, the event arrives amidst a whirlwind of challenges that have marked the start of 2025. From growing public unrest over safety concerns and a tempestuous federal administration to unrelenting weather crises and mounting economic uncertainty, tensions are bound to simmer beneath the party’s glittering surface.

Adding to the intrigue, the city of New Orleans grapples with persistent rolling blackouts, a result of the volatile storms battering the region. Despite these challenges, the Governor hopes for an evening of refined revelry, a chance for her guests to don masks—both literal and figurative—and escape into a night of anonymity and opulence. Yet, as the lights flicker and shadows play, this masquerade may reveal far more than anyone anticipated.

The Cast

There are 15 total characters at the start of the scenario. Each character has its own background, story, and secrets. All characters in this scenario are potential murder suspects.

  • Aurora is from a very rich family who had several large, prominent farms near New Orleans. After the Civil War they went into politics and have since been working the system from within. She has developed an affinity for different religious and occult artifacts and has collected many of them from around the world.This is her party held in the Governor’s Mansion.

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  • Luna is a young, peace-loving debutante from a well known family who has abstained from the rich ways of her heritage for the more “earthy” and “green” way of living. She is currently dating Ryan.

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  • Belle recently moved into New Orleans accompanied by her ever present companion, “Trunk.” She has bought a large house in one of the richer neighborhoods and throws lavish parties.

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  • Jacquelyn isa waitress at a local malt shop. She was recently fired from her job at “The Forbidden Taste”. No one is quite sure why she is here or how she got invited.

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  • Julia was long known as the town drunk. But recently she’s begun attending AA meetings. She seems to be turning her life around for the better.

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  • Marty is the reason Thaddeus’ restaurant is so successful and he never lets him forget it. He is a very flamboyant man with a flair for eccentric clothes. He doesn’t care what people say about him and always has a snappy comeback.

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  • Madam Margaux is very, very well known throughout New Orleans for her many Voodoo shops and has set herself up as a “Voodoo Queen.” She has become wealthy off the ignorance and money of tourists and also runs a psychic consultation service. Her money buys her into parties like this and no one knows if she’s a real mambo or not. She has a network of informants throughout New Orleans whose “help” is responsible for her accuracy in readings.

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  • Madison is Ricky’s lover and second in command at their club. She works primarily as his bouncer, checking IDs at the door. She is known for her merciless approach to people “acting a fool” and has left more bruises than necessary on more than one occasion.

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  • Peter runs one of the largest mega-churches in New Orleans, Creek Turn Fellowship, with over 10,000 congregants. He has a forceful personality and is a dedicated fundraiser. His face is known to everyone thanks to his marketing campaign against the “sins of Mardi Gras.”

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  • Ricky owns the popular club “Fantasy.” He has been in New Orleans for a few years and is well known in “the Scene.” He’s relatively wealthy and has adjusted well to the Southern sense of hospitality and honor. If it wasn’t for his clothes and his slight accent he’d pass as a native.

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  • Ryan was a high school football star who everyone thought would make it big. He’s handsome and dashing and has always had an easy time with the ladies. He is the Deputy around the French Quarter and whether people love him or hate him, they try to stay on his good side.

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  • Silas was on the same high school team as Ryan, but got hurt in college. He’s returned and works in construction. While not the brightest light in the chandelier he’s good with people and is now Tanner’s #2 man.

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  • Tanner owns the largest construction and architecture firm in New Orleans and is publicly well respected. Privately there is talk he might have underworld connections, but no one has ever proven anything.

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  • Thaddeus is the owner of the restaurant “The Forbidden Taste” which is famous throughout New Orleans for its twists on traditional French and Southern cooking. The Governor must have paid an OUTRAGEOUS sum of money to get Thaddeus to come cater tonight.

  • Nothing is known about Trunk but that he’s big, says little and follows Belle Trépanier around like a shadow. Probably a bodyguard… or something.

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The Run of Show

The Mardi Gras Masquerade Murder Scenario will take place over 3 total Acts:

  • Mingling with other guests:

    During Act One, guests will mingle, sharing time, space, drinks, and light hors d’oeuvres while gathering as much information as possible about one another. At the same time, they'll aim to reveal little about their own stories—just in case. However, some guests may already possess more knowledge than others, so it’s wise to approach what you hear with a healthy dose of skepticism.

  • Gathering all of the evidence:

    In Act Two, guests will delve deeper into the mystery, searching for clues, gathering evidence, and engaging with one another as they work to uncover the identity of the guilty party. Be careful who you trust as you begin to unravel the truth.

  • Pull it all together:

    In Act Three, guests will present any final evidence they deem significant before casting their silent votes to determine who they believe committed the crime.

The Conclusion

The Mardi Gras Masquerade Murder scenario reaches its dramatic conclusion once all the votes have been cast. At this pivotal moment, the host will invite members of the party, one by one, to stand and reveal their confessions. Each revelation builds suspense, as the true events of the evening begin to unravel. Finally, the actual murderer will rise to deliver their confession, revealing the twists and motives that led to the crime. With this climactic moment, the mystery is brought to a thrilling close.